This staff of darkest ebony was known to be used by the master magician Chellin Sher although it’s not known who crafted it. The last time this staff was carried outside the Academy Arcana in Soros was over 300 years ago when Kirok the Traitor stole it from the Reliquary and killed three of the Academy’s Justicars before being brought down by Sir Tristan, a paladin of Falk.
Ebony is believed to be the most powerful of all staff woods as it vibrates to enhance power, purity, protection, luck, and balance. This last property makes it most excellent in that the very nature of the wood helps curb the arcane impact of the staff and its use on the mundane world around it. Ebony is non-discriminatory and channels all types of energy for any purpose.
Defensive Properties –
– While holding the staff, the wielder has Advantage on Saving Throws against spells.
– In addition, the wielder can use Reaction when another creature casts a spell that targets only the wielder. When done, the staff absorbs the magic of the spell, canceling its effect and gaining a number of charges equal to the absorbed spell’s level. However, if doing so brings the staff’s total number of charges above its maximum, the staff may explode.
Offensive (and other) Properties –
– The staff can be wielded as a magic quarterstaff that grants a +2 bonus to Attack and Damage rolls made with it.
– While holding the staff, the wielder gains +2 to Spell Attack rolls.
– While holding the staff, the wielder can use an Action to expend some of its charges to cast one of the following spells from it, using the wielder’s Spell Save DC and Spellcasting Ability:
– Dispel Magic (3 charges)
– Leomund’s Tiny Hut (3 charges)
– Tongues (3 charges)
– Knock (2 charges)
– Feather Fall (1 charge)
– Sleep (can be cast up to 7th Level, 1 charge per spell level)
– Unseen Servant (1 charge per servant summoned) note that this effect can summon multiple servants to the limit of its wielder’s INT Modifier
– Arcane Lock (0 charges)
– Detect Magic (0 charges)
– Light (0 charges)
– Mage Hand (0 charges)
– Message (0 charges)
– Mold Earth (0 charges)
– Prestidigitation (0 charges)
– Protection from Good and Evil (0 charges)
– Shape Water (0 charges)