This medallion is a matte-black stone on a short, choker-style, leather thong. The stone has a nearly impossible-to-see rune carved into it that means “The Nothing”
– The item is strong in Divination, Necromantic, and Illusion magics
– It functions as an Amulet of Proof Against Detection & Location
– The wearer is immune to Telepathy and any other mental prying/coercion
– The wearer is immune to Charm, Compulsion, and Hold effects and spells
– The wearer is immune to Psychic Damage
– The wearer is under the effects of Pass Without Trace and leaves no trail
– Anyone trying to notice the wearer takes a -2 to Wisdom (Perception) Checks
– Anyone trying to notice the wearer has Disadvantage on their Wisdom (Perception) Checks
– It gives -3 to all Charisma Checks wearer makes
– People tend to forget the wearer is even there